How to make and ginger guy animation in one hour:
Create a new document at 8 by 10
Decide how you want your background to look. I chose a green
hill with a light blue sky behind it.
Use the pen tool to make and selection the shape of a hill and
fill with the color you like. I chose an overlay with a light green and a
darker green. I filled the sun with a light blue color to represent the sky.
I then added the illusion of sunlight by going to
filter>render>lens flare then adding it to the upper right corner of the
Now the background is complete.
Now we need to begin the boy.
I started by making shoes. I used the ellipse tool and just
made a circular shape you can see in the image. I then drew shoe laces in with
the pencil tool.
Too make the shape I just used the pen tool and shaped it with
a cartoon like look.
I filled the pants with a tan color and put an Inner Shadow
and Inner glow on it by double clicking on the layer.
Next you need to
repeat the same step with a shirt of your choice. I’m giving my person a white
button down with a red tie.
Once again I used
the pen tool to shape the tie and I filled it with red then added black
Next is the hands
where I used the ellipse tool to make an oval shape and added 3 lopsided ovals
to be the fingers on each hand. I then added a thumb and and once again put an
inner glow on it.
The Next step is the head. I made a Stewie Griffin shaped head
with a light tan color and added freckles using the brush tool with a brown
color at a low opacity.
For the eyes I created one ellipse to represent the whites of
the eye. I then made one for the color of the eye and I added a small black dot
to the center as the pupil.
Next is the mouth. I used the ellipse tool and filled it with
red. I then used the pen tool to create the upper teeth and lower teeth. (Look
at final image to get an idea of what to do).
Next is the nose. I shape is sort of just like a 2/3 triangle.
Check the image for reference.
The next step is the hair. Obviously since it is a ginger I’m
making I’m going to give him red hair. I used a gradient overlay with a darker
orange and a lighter orange.
This is the final ginger guy in one hour piece.