Wednesday, September 4, 2013

These five pieces in my blog this week are all from the surreal artist Tang Yau Hoong. All of his pieces are very simplistic and don't show very much meaning. He uses these designs to make T-Shirts. I like how creative he is with the same basic ideas. This image is an eye that also looks like a window with the sun as the pupil.

This piece shows a flashlight creating the city. To me this means that cities are completely run and reliant on electricity. As you can see he uses the city image in many of his pieces. I like how he uses depth with the flashlight. It appears way closer than the city is.

This image shows a group of bicyclists powering a light bulb. I thought this was funny because it reminds me of mice running through a wheel to power a cage. It makes me think of how difficult it used to be to attain energy.

I liked this piece because it would make for a great teacher. The little boy is swinging from the light like it is a swing. I'm not really sure what this means, but I like this piece. As you can see he uses the idea of light a lot along with city images.

This image shows a man that is painting the light from the street light in. This tells me that all late is created somehow. It also tells me that energy is limited because it is artificial. Once again you can see the consistent theme of light that is present in almost all of his pieces.

1 comment:

  1. I really like the artist that you choose. I am always amazed when an artist can take the simple and make it complex. I try to do this in my work. A risk is always that the results are just a one-liner, so after a viewer looks at it and chuckles he forgets about it immediately. The trick is how can you make such a simple piece that sticks with a viewer. I think that Tang does this.
